Video length: 2 min
Automobile pollution: WWF campaigns for a lowering of the tax threshold for new vehicles to 1.3 tonnes
Automobile pollution: WWF campaigns for a lowering of the tax threshold for new vehicles to 1.3 tonnes
(France 2)
Sales of SUVs have increased tenfold in 15 years. Faced with the pollution caused by these vehicles, the NGO WWF is campaigning to lower the tax threshold for new cars to 1.3 tonnes, in an attempt to slow down sales. Currently, only vehicles over 1.6 tonnes are taxed.
In 15 years, the SUV has become a heavyweight in the automobile market, with sales multiplied by 10. However, compared to an equivalent sedan or minivan, SUVs weigh on average 10% heavier. Their bodies also have 10% more wind resistance, with, ultimately, 15% additional CO2 emissions. So, associations like WWF are campaigning to further penalize the weight of these vehicles. Today, only new cars weighing more than 1.6 tonnes are taxed, a threshold that the NGO would like to lower to 1.3 tonnes to try to slow down sales.
The association also denounces a strategy of manufacturers, who would bet everything on the SUV, even if it means removing more virtuous models from the assembly lines. A criticism brushed aside by the manufacturers, who claim to meet demand. But according to Bernard Jullien, automobile expert, these cars, more expensive to buy than the old minivans, would bring in more money. According to WWF, a greater penalty on the weight of vehicles could generate 1.8 billion euros in additional revenue for the State.
Watch the full report in the video above.