WTA President Steve Simon announces suspension of women’s tennis tournaments in China

On November 2, the tennis player accused a former Chinese senior official of rape, Zhang Gaoli. Since then, concerns about his fate have multiplied.

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“Deeply concerned” since the disappearance of Peng Shuai, the WTA has decided to strike hard. The body that oversees women’s tennis has announced that it will suspend tournaments in China on Wednesday, December 1.

In press release, WTA President Steve Simon explains his choice “in good conscience”. :If powerful people can suppress women’s voices and sweep allegations of sexual assault under the rug, then the foundation on which the WTA was founded – equality for women – would suffer a huge setback. I don’t want to and I can’t let this happen to the WTA and its players.

“I am announcing the immediate suspension of all WTA tournaments in China, including Hong Kong. In good conscience, I do not see how I can ask our athletes to participate in tournaments when Peng Shuai is not allowed. to communicate freely and has apparently been pressured to reverse his allegations of sexual abuse “, continues Steve Simon.

Disappeared from radars after the accusations of rape against a former Chinese senior leader, Peng Shuai had moved the whole world. The #WhereIsPengShuai having gone viral, a first response from the Chinese government was formulated on November 17. An email attributed to Peng Shuai then explained that the player was doing well and was resting at home.

Two days later, while the email had only increased fears around the fate of the player, images were published this time. On these, Peng Shuai appeared in public, during a tennis match. Proof of life but not of his freedom had regretted the WTA.


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