The augmented reality project Criminal Chronicles, from the former journalist of Press André Cédilot is one of the seven short films and digital projects that will benefit from the support of the production assistance program of the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles.
Thanks to the augmented reality application CrimeTrip, the project scripted by the specialist in criminal cases will allow people to be immersed in the heart of major Quebec criminal stories that span several territories, cities and continents. SODEC’s assistance will make it possible to complete the production in French of digital narrative stories that last between 3 and 5 minutes.
The Rite of Spring is the other digital narrative project that will benefit from the support of SODEC, it is a 30-minute virtual reality experience inspired by the work of composer Igor Stravinsky. The experience, designed by Sandra Rodriguez and Alexandre Whitley, uses artificial intelligence, real-time animation and mocap capture tools that allow us to explore our relationship with nature through body movement.
Among the short films selected by SODEC, we must mention the film Gaby the hills, drama written and directed by Zoé Pelchat, daughter of the late journalist of Press, Martin Pelchat. The story, which takes place during a stay in the Magdalen Islands, tells about this moment of adolescence when the body finds itself out of step with the head, where the child is catapulted too quickly. in the adult universe.
As intriguing as you want, the horror short Zoe, written and directed by Rémi St-Michel, explores the existence of Zoé, who desperately tries to cling to human feelings despite having become a zombie.
The seven projects selected by SODEC are all in the production stage, the scriptwriting stage having already been completed.