“Writing a blank check to a team that tells us ‘it was poorly managed before’ is not great,” laments Michel-Édouard Leclerc

Michel Barnier’s government is seeking to make savings. While taxation of higher incomes is envisaged in the 2025 budget, Michel-Édouard Leclerc regrets “that we are not reviewing all expenses.”



Reading time: 8 min

Michel-Édouard Leclerc, President of the Strategic Committee of the E.Leclerc Centers, on franceinfo on October 10, 2024. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

While Michel Barnier presents his draft budget for 2025 to the National Assembly on Thursday, October 10, the debates risk being heated in the chamber in a context of an abysmal budget deficit. The government must, in fact, find 60 billion euros to restore public finances.

To increase revenue, the Prime Minister plans to tax high incomes. “Paying taxes to plug holes, writing a blank check to a team that tells us ‘it was mismanaged before’, that’s not great”reacts Michel-Édouard Leclerc, president of the Strategic Committee of the E.Leclerc centers.

The entrepreneur does not say he is fooled by “political game” which will be played out in the Assembly. “I am quite blown away by the kind of dramaturgy for a short-term budget which just serves to pass the first step for the government of acceptance by the National Assembly”he said. “We are not reviewing all expenses,” he laments.

The president of Medef, Patrick Martin, denounced Thursday in The Echoes the government’s draft budget. He fears in particular that limiting exemptions from charges will destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs. For his part, Michel-Édouard Leclerc does not wish “not feed this kind of political vaudeville which produces nothing and which ultimately produces distrust on the part of consumers.”

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