Writer Dawn Walker missing

Indigenous writer Dawn Walker and her 7-year-old son, Vincent Jansen, have been missing since Friday, July 22.

Posted at 11:57 a.m.

Stephanie Morin

Stephanie Morin
The Press

Saskatoon police say the 48-year-old woman and child were last seen Friday night at a business in the city. She has not heard from family or friends since. The police department decided to step up the search Tuesday with the use of a plane to fly over the area where Walker and his son may be. According to Radio-Canada, his car was discovered Monday at Chief Whitecap Park, located south of the city.

A very active figure for the rights of First Nations in Saskatchewan (she is chief of operations at the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations of Saskatchewan), Dawn Walker is also a well-known author whose novels are translated in Quebec by Daniel Grenier and published by Hannenorak . The translation of his novel Rose’s Race (Rose’s Run) was nominated for the Governor General’s Award in 2019.

The woman who is also known as Dawn Dumont Walker also ran in Saskatoon in the last federal election for the Liberal Party of Canada.

Dawn Walker is 1.68m tall. She has blonde hair and brown eyes. Her son is 1.27m tall and has brown hair and eyes.

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