Would you like a “Body painting” workshop in Les Eyzies?

Body paintings have a special meaning. This animation is done in connection with a temporary exhibition of the Interpretation Center on human representations in Paleolithic art.

In this workshop will we paint ourselves or paint others?

You can paint your neighbor, your grandmother, your mother, your father, because it’s a workshop where you can come as a family.

You should know that the pigments used are natural and non-abrasive. A priori no risk of allergy.

the goal is to exercise your creativity through body painting

The Interpretation Center in Les Eyzies offers many activities during the next holidays!
Daniel Schmitt Metapraxis

Participants will have a sheet with a face, a kind of model. they can then draw on their sheets and then can reproduce it on themselves or on others.

To register, this is done by telephone with the Pole, you can of course find all the information on their website.

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