“Worst weekend of my life”: Delphine Wespiser insulted after her support for Marine Le Pen

Elected Miss Haut-Rhin in 2011, then Miss Alsace 2011 and finally Miss France 2012, Delphine Wespiser is now flourishing on television. Lately, it was on C8 that we could see her co-present with Benjamin Castaldi and Bernard Montiel the show Waf waf woof woof. On this same channel, however, the young woman of 30 years has been controversial recently. In question, his decried support for the far-right candidate – qualified for the second round of the presidential election – Marine Le Pen during her appearance on the show Do not touch My TV last April 13. A little less than a week later, the ex-beauty queen returned to her remarks and the insults received since.

In TPMPDelphine Wespiser had declared after the first round of the presidential election which brought Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen to the second: “You see that when you look at her, when you listen to her, she really offers something. She has a kind of benevolence.“Describing Her As”a mother of the French“, she wanted to distinguish her from her father Jean-Marie: “It’s not the National Front, it’s the National Rally. (…) It has changed a lot, because everyone can evolve.

During the same program but on April 19, the former Miss France who became a columnist confided in the reactions to her political position: “It was one of the worst weekends of my life. I had thousands of insults, thousands of threats. (…) The media have made a big splash out of all this. They cut things out and told Delphine she’s promoting Marine Le Pen. But in fact that’s not it. I am a disappointed citizen. If I was promoting Marine Le Pen, I would have promoted her in the first round!

Obviously when she takes a stand, it makes people react

Joined by France 3 Alsace, Delphine Wespiser had already detailed her point of view in the face of the controversy she initiated: “I am not calling for a vote for Marine Le Pen but against Emmanuel Macron. My message is really feel free not to renew the one against whom you have demonstrated for five years. I fight for freedom, because I love my country. I fight for the yellow vests, for the environment, for all those who fought against the health passe.” Another consequence for Delphine Wespiser, her role in the interprofessional association of fruits and vegetables of Alsace, of which she has been the ambassador for several years. “She has the right to vote for whoever she wants, precise for France 3, Pierre Lammert, the president of Ifla. But that she displays it, that’s another thing. She is our ambassador but also that of Alsace so obviously when she takes a stand, it makes people react.”

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