worrying resurgence of the epidemic in Germany


France 2

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In Germany, the epidemic situation linked to Covid-19 is worrying. On average, the incidence rate is 201 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

201.1 cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants on average in Germany. This is a figure that is quite hopeless, since it is higher than the previous record, dating back to December 2020. At the time, there was still no vaccine available for the population. This number is increasing very rapidly. In one week, it went from 154 to 201 and already exceeds 900 incidence in some places in Germany.

In fact, very strict restrictions come into force, Monday, November 8 in the morning, in several regions, such as Saxony. Measures only for the unvaccinated: they no longer have access to closed restaurants or cultural places, even if they have a negative test. Currently, only 67% of Germans have received their two doses of vaccine. The authorities are therefore talking about a massive epidemic of unvaccinated people, explains the journalist of France Televisions, Laurent Desbonnets, from Berlin.

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