worrying excess mortality in hedgehogs


France 3

Article written by

A. Chopin, P. Foucaud, G. Thélu, A. Conanec, B. Belamri, C. Krauskopff – France 3

France Televisions

For several months, excess mortality has been observed in hedgehogs. An investigation is underway to understand the causes of this massacre.

Within the Accommodation and Study Center on Nature and the Environment, located in Allouville-Bellefosse in Seine-Maritime, more and more hedgehogs are being taken care of. The establishment is overwhelmed by the number of arrivals. “Since 2015 or so, we have had a curve that flies a little and this year it is a disaster: we are at 641 hedgehogs“, testifies the careful Laure Prévost.

The hedgehog’s death rate worries hedgehogs and scientists. In 20 years, 70% of the species has become extinct. In order to understand the reasons for this massacre, 180 of them underwent samples in the center. The organs then go to laboratories. Poisoned by pesticides? Weakened by parasites or bacteria found on half of the samples? In a few weeks, the analyzes should make it possible to learn more about this excess mortality. If nothing is done to save the species, experts suggest a possible extinction between 2025 and 2050.

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