worried about the Omicron variant, she lets go on Instagram

The fifth wave of the Covid-19 epidemic started in November 2021 … And unfortunately, the contamination curve continues to rise! Containment, curfews, closures of bars and restaurants … If for the moment none of this is relevant (except for the closure of nightclubs), the government could well take new measures in the coming days ! The reason ? In recent weeks, the Omicron variant seems to be spreading in France like wildfire! According to Gabriel Attal, Government spokesperson, the Omicron variant will even be the majority mutant in France between “Christmas and the New Year”!

Information that does not really reassure the French … Starting with Cristina Cordula who reacted to the news by posting a TikTok! “More than one in 3 contamination linked to the Omicron in Paris, + 84,000 new cases reported per day in France, 62% of intensive care in France”, can we read on the video… What the fashionista reacts to by doubling a sentence straight out of one of the sketches of comedian Ahmed Sylla: “So me for the moment, I had not planned to die right away!” “

A black humor that Cristina Cordula’s followers adored according to the many comments: “Better to laugh, bravo Cristina! “” Too funny, you are adorable “,” Always beautiful and funny, long live the humor “, can we read on the social network. A post that we invite you to discover in your turn below:

Lisa Ziane

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