world multiple sclerosis day, an incurable disease


France 3

Article written by

M. Delaunay, N. Tireche, J. Savry – France 3

France Televisions

Monday, May 30, on the occasion of World Multiple Sclerosis Day, the 12/13 newscast meets Céline Hendrickx-Candéla, a former sailing champion, suffering from the disease.

At 54, Céline Hendrickx-Candéla suffers from multiple sclerosis (MS), a disease against which she fights on a daily basis. The autoimmune disease attacks his nervous system and causes loss of balance, chronic pain and difficulty in moving. MS has turned the life of this former sailing champion upside down. “What has been the hardest for me is telling myself that I am no longer in control of things. I can’t control my body anymore“, says Céline Hendrickx-Candéla.

She carries out regular tests to follow the evolution of this incurable disease, which is difficult to anticipate. “To suspect multiple sclerosis, you must already have neurological symptoms“, explains Saskia Bresch, neurologist at the University Hospital of Nice (Alpes-Maritimes). These can be varied: visual disturbances, balance disorders, walking disorders. In France, more than 100,000 people are affected by sclerosis. in plates.

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