Workshops to support female entrepreneurship in the Landes

To reassure, to show that it is possible to get started, this is the approach of Adie, an association that supports business creators. This week, she is devoting her actions to women in New Aquitaine. Adie organizes workshops in the Landes to remove the obstacles to female entrepreneurship. An observation for Gilles Bernardin, the Pyrénées Gascogne territorial director of Adie: “There is an increasingly important appetite for business creation, but the share of women creators is in the minority. “After a survey by the association, access to financing is a brake. Adie, which precisely provides financing to business creators, presents its tools during workshops. The workshops are organized this week in the Landes: at the Local Mission of Dax, at the Pôle Emploi of Saint Vincent de Tyrosse and at that of Parentis en Born, open house also at the Adie agency in Dax, presence also at France Services in Peyrehorade and the Athéna center in Mimizan.

During these workshops, the process of creating a business will be discussed, so as not to miss out on the aid that may exist when starting an activity. For example, in rural areas, Adie can give bonuses of €1,000 to people over 30 who benefit from a micro-credit obtained by the association.

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