Works in the Communes | Liberals want another year in hybrid mode

(Ottawa) Justin Trudeau’s Liberals want to extend for a year the provisions allowing a hybrid operation of the House of Commons.

Posted at 12:05 p.m.

Emilie Bergeron
The Canadian Press

Their parliamentary leader, Mark Holland, said on Monday that he had informed his counterparts from the opposition parties and had pledged to ensure the presence in person of government representatives during question period.

“The pandemic continues. Last week, just in our party, there were five deputies who had the COVID-19 virus,” he said at a press briefing, not failing to mention that the Prime Minister, being part of the lot , participated in parliamentary work virtually.

Mr. Holland added, in the same breath, to have made the promise that any answer to an elected official given by the government during the question period would be it in person. He said exceptions would be made, if, for example, a concerning new variant of COVID-19 causes the health situation to deteriorate.

“I was in opposition for a long time. I understand very well that accountability is essential,” he said.

The Leader of the Government explained that, during the one-year period, the idea advocated by the Liberals is to allow the members of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs the time to analyze what is efficient-or not-in the hybrid mode of operation.

“Maybe it will take six months or eight months. I have no idea because the parliamentary committee did not have the opportunity to start its work,” Holland said.

The hybrid mode of operation notably allows MEPs to vote remotely, through an application.

Mr. Holland advised that a notice of motion on the proposed extension will be tabled Monday evening. He clarified that he planned the debate on the motion to take place on Wednesday.

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