Workplaces: the distance will increase from two to one meter

The obligation to maintain a minimum distance of two meters between people, in the workplace, will be modified as of next Monday.

The Commission for Standards, Equity, Health and Safety at Work (CNESST) has indicated that as of March 7, wearing a quality mask at all times will continue to be mandatory, but only if it is impossible to respect the minimum distance of one meter between people or if there are no physical barriers. The minimum distance will then increase from two to one meter.

The CNESST also specifies that other adjustments will be made to these instructions affecting workplaces around mid-April, following 10 days’ notice given by the General Directorate of Public Health.

“As of the end of this notice, wearing a mask in the workplace will no longer be compulsory, except for a few exceptions”, specifies the CNESST.

However, wearing a quality mask will continue to be required when transporting workers by bus and plane.

As a final step, “at the earliest in May”, there will be the lifting of exceptions to the obligation to wear a mask in all workplaces, including those for the transport of workers.

The CNESST insists on the fact that these instructions could be modified according to the evolution of the epidemiological situation.

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