Workforce: Ottawa defends itself on the issue of foreign workers

Ottawa concedes that the processing times for foreign worker files have lengthened, but argues that Quebec has something to do with it, in some cases.

And Ottawa also recalls that requests in this area have increased by 50%.

“It’s fair to say that part of the process takes place in Quebec. That being said, the numbers have exploded, requests have exploded, ”said Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau in an interview with The Canadian Press on Tuesday.

The federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food made a point of responding to the Quebec Minister of Labor and Employment, Jean Boulet, who, the day before, had complained about the delays in processing foreign worker files by Ottawa. .

“This program needs to be managed more effectively. And that goes through a reduction in delays, ”said Minister Boulet in an interview.

Minister Bibeau maintains that in certain cases, such as that of poultry catchers, for which employers have made requests, it is rather the federal government which is waiting for a response from Quebec to move the file forward.

No repatriation

As for Minister Boulet’s request, who would like to repatriate the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to Quebec in order to “make it more efficient and more compatible with the Quebec job market”, the federal minister said no. “Immigration remains a federal jurisdiction,” she recalls.

Minister Bibeau assures us that the two orders of government “work well together”. She cites as proof the announcement on Monday of the entry into force of the 20% threshold, rather than 10%, for the employment of temporary foreign workers in certain sectors.

Nevertheless, Minister Bibeau concedes that improvements and relaxations can be made. Among other things, she notes that the “trusted employers” will soon be recognized, these “good employers” who call on foreign workers regularly and in accordance with the rules, so that they do not have to start the process over each time. .

“There is consensus. It is going well ; I have confidence, ”commented Minister Bibeau.

Primary agriculture

Likewise, in the field of primary agriculture, namely farms, it intends to temporarily suspend the 14-day posting rule, from January 12 until June 30, so for this season.

This is a rule by which the employer must demonstrate that he has offered his positions to Canadians, before hiring foreign workers. “It is an administrative burden that we are blowing,” noted Minister Bibeau.

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