Workers affected by COVID-19 | Boulet calls for accommodation and good faith

(Montreal) The Minister of Labor, Jean Boulet, says he is convinced of the good faith of workers who say they have COVID-19 and asks employers to show flexibility and accommodation, while access to tests screening is still difficult.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

The minister granted an interview to The Canadian Press on Thursday, after Public Health announced on Tuesday that the isolation period was reduced from 10 to 5 days, in the event of COVID-19, under certain conditions – no fever for 24 hours, symptom reduction and double vaccinated.

Public health has also reserved access to screening centers for certain priority clienteles, because they are overwhelmed – which has had the effect of complicating access to screening for “other” workers.

“I am convinced of the workers ‘good faith and the employers’ capacity to accommodate. There is no doubt about that. And I am really calling on all workplaces to take charge of managing this risk, ”Minister Boulet said.

In addition, the Commission for Standards, Equity, Health and Safety at Work (CNESST) will soon add more information to its website in this context.

The COVID-19 Workplace Health Standards Guide will explain how to clarify the situation before returning to work, using a questionnaire that will set out the questions an employer can ask a worker or help him. self-declaration by workers, said the minister.

The CNESST reminds that teleworking should be privileged when possible. Likewise, other instructions such as distancing, disinfection and wearing a mask remain in effect.

Minister Boulet also recalled that the federal government must distribute around 30 million rapid tests in Quebec by the end of January, which should simplify the process.

“In the meantime, there is an exceptional context which requires an accommodation approach on the part of employers”, argues the Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Solidarity.

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