“Work no longer pays in France”, estimates Guillaume Peltier, support of Éric Zemmour

“Work no longer pays in France” and “wages are too low”, estimated Guillaume Peltier, spokesperson for Éric Zemmour, candidate for Reconquest! (far right) in the presidential election, Thursday on franceinfo. Demonstrations are planned throughout France on the same day, at the call of trade unions and youth organizations, to demand wage increases.

>> Purchasing power, “excusable defense”, crisis in Ukraine … Guillaume Peltier’s 8:30 a.m. franceinfo

“There is a very deep concern and desperation that we need to hear on the issue of salary”, recognized the deputy, a former member of the Les Républicains party. He promises that Eric Zemmour “will also make very strong proposals on the subject” during a trip on Friday to his constituency of Loir-et-Cher.

According to him, “what Éric Zemmour is saying is that net salaries are too low for workers and gross salaries are too high for entrepreneurs”. “We propose to reduce or at least halve the CSG, to offer all French people from the middle and modest classes a legitimate thirteenth month”. It would concern those who win “up to the median salary”that is “just under 2,000 euros net” per month, or “50% French”.

Guillaume Peltier also reminds us that Éric Zemmour offers “to restore the full tax exemption for overtime” and of “complete tax exemption of the Gaullist system of profit-sharing and participation”what “we can add a whole system linked to what is called inheritance or heritage, that is to say more taxation on the family transmission of a business and for individuals up to 200,000 euros”.

“Work is a treasure” he insisted, citing one of La Fontaine’s fables, “The Plowman and His Children”. As well, “We are proposing the creation of a national brigade to fight against fraud which will go to control, with hundreds of inspectors, all the beneficiaries of social minima, the RSA for example, to verify the proper use and the legitimacy of this money” .

Guillaume Peltier also assured that Eric Zemmour would not restore the ISF. He says “Yes” to taxation on speculation but “no” to one “Taxation on patrimony and inheritance, i.e. a tax on death”.

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