Here we are in a new era of work: the old rules no longer hold. We can feel both less connected and more stressed by teleworking tools and digital life. Sometimes it is the burnouta state of exhaustion or cynicism about work.
Are you 100% teleworking, comfortably settled at home? It doesn’t protect you from burnout. It hits the passionate, those with a light workload, those who love their colleagues.
According to the Pew Research Center, 29% of workers say their job is stressful and 19% say it is overwhelming all or most of the time. Record stress levels measured during the pandemic have not yet declined, a Gallup poll reveals.
“The workload and isolation are overwhelming,” says Dan Pelton, a psychologist and management consultant. “It creates a new form of burnout. »
According to experts, employers are responsible for changing the structure to reduce employee stress. In reality, the burden often falls on the individual.
This Mental Health Awareness Month, here are eight tips that can help you. And if you feel like you can’t do it, find a qualified therapist who can help you, virtually or in person.
1. List your priorities
Take a step back. Make a list of what matters most in your life: does it match what you really prioritize?
“Typically, first place is family, freedom or leisure, with work in position 3 or 4,” says Mr. Pelton. So ask yourself: “Are you living according to your values?” »
“Throughout the day, pay attention to what stresses you out,” suggests Bridget Berkland, manager of employee wellness at the Mayo Clinic. Too many meetings? Emails after office hours? These are clues that lead to solutions,” continues Mr. Pelton.
2. Move, then rest
Taking care of your body is good for brain function and mood, says Lorenzo Norris, chief employee wellness officer at George Washington University School of Medicine. Find 10 minutes to nap (yes, even at the office), eat well, hydrate, and start the day with a workout. Working with a treadmill under the desk is a good idea. Too busy to exercise? Turn your meetings into walking and talking sessions. It doesn’t solve the basic problems causing burnout, but it does help you clear your head and feel better.
“Thirty minutes of exercise improves mood for four to six hours,” he says.
3. Reduce downtime
It’s counterintuitive, but doing more can sometimes help counter the burnout, if these are tasks you are good at. This may involve, in effect, redefining your work by prioritizing what you enjoy and satisfy you, says Michael Leiter, who has written about burnout.
Do an audit of which tasks satisfy you the most and which ones exhaust you or make you cynical. Then, prioritize those that stimulate you. “You have to stop being just reactive to what lands on your desk,” says Leiter.
Try spending 20% of your time on challenging tasks, which creates an intrinsic gratification loop, suggests Norris. This may involve a discussion with your boss to get adjustments and better sharing of the workload, Pelton adds.
4. A tomato every half hour
It’s easy to forget your breaks, but they are essential.
Set a timer to remind yourself of them, suggests Leiter. The Pomodoro technique calls for breaking work into 25-minute segments followed by a five-minute break, says Pelton.

The Pomodoro technique was invented by the Italian Francisco Cirillo, who gave it the name of the small tomato-shaped timer used in cooking. Pomodoro means tomato in Italian.
There is also the 20-20-20 technique: staring at a point 20 feet (7 m) in front of you for 20 seconds every 20 minutes, which reduces visual fatigue. There are apps Pomodoro and others, like StandUp.
Integrate energizing activities into these breaks, suggests Mme Berkland. Five minutes of music, meditation, conversation or even dancing, why not? Or go get some fresh air. Mr. Pelton recommends a mindfulness activity: go outside for 10 minutes and pay attention to your senses, what you see and hear. This keeps your brain in the present moment, rather than brooding, he added. On this subject, the application Calm can help.
Designate a rest room in your home. Put plants and what you need for a relaxing activity – some do coloring – at midday.
5. Talk to your colleagues
Get closer to your colleagues. Chatting a little with them builds connections, which are very important in mental health, says Mme Berkland.
Set goals, like having coffee in person or virtually every week with a colleague. Start virtual meetings by checking in on coworkers, their families, or asking what shows they’re watching. And of course, during face-to-face days, there is the ultimate trick to making friends: bringing food and sharing.
6. “Do not disturb”
Texts, calls and news alerts are distracting. Activate the Concentration function or Work mode on your cell phone. If a deadline or complex task requires your full attention for a certain period of time, let colleagues know you’re unavailable and turn off notifications on Slack and Teams. In this regard, you can block work slots silently on your calendar.
The work-life boundary has been damaged by the pandemic and we must re-establish this boundary, which helps manage stress. Indicate your work schedule in the signature message of your emails. “Delineate your availability and be firm about it,” says Leiter.
7. Take your leave
Take your leave. Announce your vacation now, even if it’s far away, whether it’s a two-week trip, a three-day weekend or a mental health day. Also take your sick leave, just because you can get out of bed doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.
8. The best is the enemy of the good
Don’t be too hard on yourself.
No one is always 100% satisfied with their work. Putting too much pressure on yourself can make the problem worse.
“Don’t demand the impossible,” says Mr. Norris. “There are days when the best you can do is get up and show up. It’s like that. »
Read this article in its original version (in English; subscription required).