Words of Emmanuel Macron on the unvaccinated, strategy of Valérie Pécresse … Informed of the morning of Wednesday January 5

Every morning, the informed discuss on franceinfo the subjects which are or will make the news of the day.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dély, to decipher the news of Wednesday January 5, Sophie de Ravinel, major reporter in the political service of Le Figaro, and Guillaume Daret, major reporter at the political service of France Televisions.

The themes :

“Piss off the unvaccinated”, should a president say that? In an interview with readers of the daily The Parisian, Emmanuel Macron describes his “strategy” vaccine. “The unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And so, we will continue to do it, until the end. That’s the strategy”, he claims.

– Valérie Pécresse brings together the Republicans party and seeks the right campaign strategy, at the risk of a big gap?

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