Wood industry, arsonists… How to explain the huge fires ravaging Chile?

Huge fires are currently ravaging central and southern Chile. The country has 300 fires still ongoing. The toll is heavy: 24 people died and more than 1,400 houses were burned.

The last time such fires occurred in Chile was in 2017. But already this year, the fires are much more monstrous: 700,000 hectares have already gone up in smoke. On satellite images, large red spots can be seen devouring entire regions and huge columns of smoke reaching the capital Santiago, and even cities further north. On site, the landscapes are apocalyptic: everything is burned, ashes are constantly falling from the sky and the air is unbreathable.

>> Chile: in the middle of a heat wave, spectacular fires ravage the center of the country

According to an initial report, 24 people died in these fires and more than 1,400 houses were burned. The very severe drought that has hit the country for several years makes the vegetation and soil extremely dry and flammable. The fire is raging today in an area with lots of mountains and valleys, which is strengthening the winds. In recent days, a vast heat wave has also crossed the territory.

33 people taken into custody

Forests also have a favorable profile for these huge fires. There are forestry companies with their monocultures of pines and eucalyptus, species imported into Chile for the timber industry. The homogeneity, the high density of trees and the extension over thousands of square kilometers of this type of cultivation favor the spread of fires.

Several individuals were arrested on suspicion of having deliberately started the fires. To date, 33 people are detained and around 30 investigations have been opened. If in some cases, it would be a question of reckless manipulation of fire, in others, the criminal intent would be retained even if it is for the moment impossible to know the motives.

But, on the spot, the inhabitants are formal, they say to have seen simultaneous departures of fires and in different places. Many are convinced that in some cases the fires were set on purpose.

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