Women’s Euro football at ES Coutances “Seeing them on TV will make others want to come and play”

Will Les Bleues secure their place in the final of the Women’s Euro Football Championship? Falling from the Netherlands after extra time (1-0), the French team qualified for the first time in its history in the semi-finals of the competition. It’s against Germany this Wednesday, July 27 at 9 p.m.

Les Bleues in the last four who dream of a first major coronation. And in the Manchois women’s football clubs too, we cross our fingers for a victory, so that the girls finally take their place in this sport.

It’s all the fight Michèle Malorey, retired teacher, head of the female section of ES Coutances, and committed alongside the club for 35 years. She wants to believe that this competition will be the right one and will accelerate the change of outlook on women’s football. ” This is always what we hope for after such a competition. Lots of people watch the girls’ matches – although not as much as the boys – and it’s a great sight: it’s a girl’s sport contrary to what many parents still think. It’s quite difficult to convert the parents, even the mothers.

The girls are not yet at the media level of the boys but that’s normal, we are very behind, it has evolved over the past 15 years with exclusively female competitions. But it’s recent. So yes, a win would be great for us. Michele Malorey

“Females have always been below boys”

70 young girls aged 6 to 17 are now registered at ES Coutances out of 350 members. A senior section will open at the start of the school year. Albane has been playing here for 3 years and she wants to believe that the blues will be emulatedit’s sure that seeing them on TV and highlighting it will make others want to come and play.”

Laure, former footballer, and mother of a young player from the Coutançais club, is less optimistic “I don’t know if there will be a click, the women have always been below the boys, and it is still changing very slowly.“We are far from giant screens to follow the men’s matches…

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