Women’s Brive Rugby or how to emancipate oneself from the not very delicate guardianship of men

A 100% girls rugby club in Brive. It is the first of its kind in Brive, a land of rugby. Brive Rugby Féminin was officially born this summer with around twenty licensees. Among them most played until now within the ASPO. But they didn’t feel good there. They even speak of discrimination.

It’s sexism”

“We had nothing. But when I say nothing, it’s really nothing, not even jerseys and socks in our size” says Émilie Haag, the president and player of Brive Rugby Féminin. And many reflections fused such “In the third half you don’t need beers, because women don’t drink!”. So the players speak bluntly of discrimination. “It’s sexism. From the moment we flatly refuse shorts and socks for girls because we don’t pay. On the other hand, of course the men have the whole panoply”.

A simple decor

This is obviously one of the reproaches that the leaders could make to the players. Even forcing them to withdraw from the 8th division “because they did not want to pay for the trip” specifies Émilie Haag. All the girls therefore had the impression that their women’s section was just a decoration, a bit obligatory now in sports clubs but that for the rest we didn’t care.. “It’s disgusting” protests Emma who admits having experienced this situation very badly.

The championship at 10 to start

The girls of Brive Rugby Féminin have started training at the Le Clère stadium. At the controls, Nicolas, the only man in the club, who was already training them at ASPO. They are not yet numerous enough to form a team of 15 so they will compete this year for the championship at 10, with thehope to now attract women who until now have been reluctant to play for a men’s club.

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