The decision announced Wednesday by the Supreme Court means that women living in states criminalizing abortion can file appeals, whether they are pregnant or not, which de facto leads to legalizing abortion at the national level.
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The criminalization of voluntary termination of pregnancy contravenes “autonomy in reproduction, life, non-discrimination, health and personal integrity” women. This is why the Supreme Court of the country decided on Wednesday June 21 that they could challenge the laws of Mexican states repressing abortion.
The decision clarifies that women living in states criminalizing abortion can file appeals, whether they are pregnant or not. De facto, this leads to the authorization of abortion at the national level.
Abortion decriminalized in 11 states
Voluntary abortion has been decriminalized in 11 of the 32 states of Mexico, where the capital Mexico City has authorized it since 2007, up to twelve weeks of pregnancy in most cases. In 2016, the Court rejected a previous bill that declared unconstitutional the articles of the Federal Penal Code repressing abortion, which would have decriminalized it throughout the country. According to official data, medical abortion is the method most used in Mexico for voluntary terminations of pregnancy before twelve weeks.