Women want to normalize bare breasts in public

Men and women showed their support for Éloÿse Paquet Poisson on Sunday in Quebec and Montreal. The 21-year-old woman was arrested by police because she was topless in a park in Quebec City.

In Montreal, about twenty people of all ages gathered in Mount Royal Park, including several bare-chested women.

“We want people to get used to that. The more we do it, the more people will realize that it’s normal and that there’s nothing wrong with that, that no one is going to die, ”says the organizer of the event, Alice Lacroix, 37 year.

It is legal for a woman as for a man not to dress the upper body in a public place. Susie Simard, 61, had to remind officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) last year in Outaouais when she was not wearing a swimsuit top on a beach.

“They threatened to throw me out of the park,” she says.

She received a written “warning” from the police, stating that she behaved “in a shocking manner”.

It is to support the fact that women are free to dress as they wish that she came to the rally.

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