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Sunday, May 29 is Mother’s Day. What role do they have today? What contradictory injunctions should they manage or not? Has there been an evolution between the mothers of yesterday and those of today? In “Paroles de Français”, they deliver their point of view.
Motherhood is a compositional role to be invented every day, even if it means graying your hair. “Me, I’m more cuddly, a little mother hen all the same“, says a mother interviewed. This fusional relationship is not always cloudless. Between shopping, homework and medical appointments, the mothers have the feeling of doing their share of the job. “The whole organization, in general, is the women. We think of almost everything“says another mom. “They tend to take control of certain things, whereas we are perhaps a little less anticipatory.“, adds a dad.
To reconcile everything, to try to be a “good“mother, a myth that unfortunately has a hard life. “There is always a hint of guilt if you look at social networks, you are never good enough, pretty pregnant enough, etc.“, esteem this mother. For another, the maternal instinct is not “innate, it takes time“. Motherhood sometimes brings up her own childhood memories. “We were wise in our parents’ day“, considers a mother.