women protest after ban on beauty salons


Video length: 1 min.


Afghan women demonstrated in Kabul (Afghanistan), Wednesday, July 19. In question: the closure of beauty salons, one of the few places where they could still go. The authorities, who consider these stores not in accordance with Islamic law, dispersed the gathering.

They were among the last places allowed to women. Afghan beauty salons will be forced to close, after a decree from the Taliban government. Dissatisfied, about fifty women took the risk of demonstrating, in Kabul, the capital, Wednesday, July 19. “We are waiting for other makeup artists to join us, for justice. We want work, food and freedom“, declares one of them in a video.

“Let’s go to the UN and defend our rights”

This demonstration was quickly interrupted by the police, who used fire hoses to disperse it. According to the Ministry for the Prevention of Vice and the Promotion of Virtue, the treatments offered by these institutes did not respect Islamic law, preventing women from properly performing their ablution before prayer. “We, the women who stayed here, go to the UN and defend our rights“, pleads the protester again.

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