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In 2022, there are nine women MPs less than in 2017. On the 11 p.m. set of Franceinfo Thursday, June 23, journalist Chloé Barbaux details the reasons for this drop.
The legislative elections have delivered their verdict and we know who was elected deputy. On the Franceinfo 23h set on Thursday June 23, journalist Chloé Barbaux points out that women “are much less represented in 2022 than in 2017. We have lost nine women MPs in five years”. Since the beginning of the 2000s in particular and the law on parity, the number of women in the National Assembly has been “steady increase” but in 2022, “We have a sharp decline in parity with only 37% of female MPs. And yet, the number of women candidates has increased. We therefore have more women candidates but fewer women elected”she recalls.
Chloé Barbaux explains that “the presidential majority is less equal than in 2017. Five years ago, the party had presented more women than men and this year, the party presented only 40% of candidates. Second explanation: the massive arrival RN deputies in the Assembly. They are 89, it’s huge, it’s 11 times more than five years ago. They are 88 around Marine Le Pen and the party is not very good for parity: only 33 women deputies for 89”, she says. Finally, the journalist highlights the choice of constituencies. “There, it would be played out within the parties, during negotiations and allocations. Men would monopolize the most easily won constituencies and leave the most difficult to win constituencies to women”she concludes.