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The recent pension reform will not repair the injustice of gender inequality. According to the Court of Auditors, retirement pensions are on average 40% lower than those of men. The Sages believe that the whole method of calculation should be reviewed to compensate for chopped careers.
Joëlle Rondeau, 63, is a young retiree who has had several jobs. Her long career was temporarily interrupted to raise her three children. She also worked part-time. Result : his pension amounts to 1,126.17 euros per month. “It’s not enough. Now everything is still quite expensive, life is complicated”she argues.
No pension reform can close this gap
In France, men receive an average of 1,931 euros per month on retirement, women 1,154 euros or 40% less. The main cause is the calculation mode. Pensions are defined according to the 25 best annual salaries. Theoretically, this makes it possible to exclude the lowest salaries, provided that they exceed this career length. Difficult when it is chopped by maternity leave or part-time. No pension reform can close this gap, according to an expert.