women accuse former minister of sexual assault



Article written by

B. Delombre, L. Nahon, V. Vilar, Special Envoy, L. Dulois – France 2

France Televisions

The former minister of ecological transition, Nicolas Hulot was questioned by several women through a report broadcast in Special Envoy on France 2, Thursday, November 25.

It’s a real shock wave. The former Minister of the Environment and star presenter, Nicolas Hulot, has been accused by several women of sexual assault. A real earthquake which, for the moment, cannot lead to an investigation, because all the facts denounced are prescribed. However, the latter still remains in turmoil. Marlène Schiappa, who had defended Nicolas Hulot, by describing him as a charming man, decided to react.

Nicolas Hulot was still under the pressure of accusation when Marlène Schiappa decided to come to his aid by publishing a plea to defend him. Present on the Sud Radio set on November 26, she nuances her remarks. “What I defended is not Nicolas Hulot, it is the rule of law. If there are elements and testimonies, in this case, there are several, I hope that justice be done “, she pleads. Despite the statute of limitations, the opening of an investigation is not completely ruled out.

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