Woman shot dead in Côte-Saint-Luc

(Montreal) A woman was shot and injured Friday night in Montreal while standing in front of the window of her residence on Macdonald Avenue, near the Côte-Saint-Luc area.

The victim, in his fifties, was wounded in the lower body by a projectile from a firearm, shortly before 11 p.m. The latter was taken to hospital, but there is no fear for her life.

For the moment, the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) cannot say whether this woman was the victim of a stray bullet.

“It is difficult to explain, for the moment, why the lady was targeted. Is it a random shot? Was the residence in question targeted? Was the person targeted? All that remains to be determined, ”said agent Raphaël Bergeron, spokesperson for the SPVM.

All hypotheses will therefore be examined.

“Obviously, the investigators will check if there were surveillance cameras which were not far from the place in order to have images of the suspect or suspects in this file”, specified the agent Bergeron.

The victim told police that they have no idea why anyone would want to pick on her.

The SPVM investigation is continuing.

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