Witnesses to the scene recount



Video length: 1 min

Knife attack on the Champs-Élysées: witnesses to the scene recount
Knife attack on the Champs-Élysées: witnesses to the scene recount
(France 2)

A police officer was seriously injured in the head on the evening of Thursday, July 18, during a knife attack on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. The perpetrator was shot dead and a security perimeter was set up.

On the evening of Thursday, July 18, the perimeter was sealed off over a large area in the Champs-Élysées sector of Paris. On Rue Vernet, a police officer had just been attacked with a knife. A video shows police officers and soldiers busy around a person to whom they appear to be providing first aid.

Several people are confined in a restaurant. Le 20 Heures was able to reach one of them by telephone. “We saw a police officer on the ground receiving treatment from his colleagues, surrounded by soldiers who were standing guard.”she says.

According to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, the police officer was responding to a call from a security guard at a store. Another witness reported: “I was in the car and I heard gunshots. I took my phone and quickly filmed it. I saw a guy on the ground, and also a wounded cop with blood everywhere.” The attacker was shot dead by another police officer.

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