without the host’s idea “the show wouldn’t be there”!

Almost ten years that the program exists. And even after ten years, the show still appeals to viewers. In effect, Shopping Queens does not take a wrinkle despite the passage of time. Just like the stylist who is at its head, Cristina Cordula. However, on the subject of wrinkles, the most French of Brazilian women recently admitted that she could not fight against old age, even if she remains sublime despite her 57 years.

“Age helps a lot to mature and gain self-confidence. […] When you see yourself getting old, it’s not easy […] but it’s a war that I can’t win, you have to deal with it and try to age as well as possible”she confided to our colleagues from Girl Scouts in 2021. An observation that everyone can make but that Cristina Cordula seems to accept much better than others. Especially since her “old age”, no one can perceive her as the stylist remains sublime and always so full of energy on her TV appearances or when she hosts The Queens of Shopping.

Need for change

A program that is very close to her heart and for which she works enormously. Indeed, during an interview granted to our colleagues from Tele-Leisurethe host ofM6 revealed that without his efforts, and those of the production, the program could well have disappeared. It was by answering their question, which asked her why she and the teams had decided to give her a new direction that she revealed this well-kept secret.

“It’s a way of finding new life. If it’s been going on for so long, it’s because we’ve already made a lot of changes in nine years”reveals Cristina Cordula first before indicating how she was able to breathe new life into her “baby” and allow him to still exist: “for example, the creation of the face-to-face with the candidates, the tutorials or the special celebrity weeks. If we had not renewed ourselves in recent years, the show would no longer be there”.

See also: Cristina Cordula: shot by Yann Moix (be careful, it’s violent)!


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