Without paid certification, “social networks will decline”

Elon Musk on Friday defended his controversial decision to charge users who want to have a certified account, saying that social networks that do not follow his example will eventually collapse, overwhelmed with fake accounts.

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“The major challenge here is that it is very simple to create 10,000 or 100,000 fake Twitter accounts with a single computer and modern AI,” Musk explained during a Q&A session on his platform. , the day before the switch to paid certification, which must become effective on April 1.

“It is for this reason that verification can only be done with a phone and credit card number”, he added, “my prediction is that the so-called social networks which will not will collapse”.

The businessman is also desperate to find a way to generate income for a company that he says has lost more than half of its value since its acquisition, for more than 40 billion dollars.

This evolution of the system, however, raises many questions among companies, celebrities, politicians and journalists who use Twitter as one of their main means of communication and could count on this certification as proof of their credibility.

It also raises the question of impostors and jokers who will pay for a certification but for a fake account. In the US, the subscription, called Twitter Blue, costs $8 a month, $11 through Apple’s app store.

Since its creation in 2009, blue certification has become an essential element in making the social network a trusted forum for many users.

But Elon Musk has always considered this sign as the symbol of a form of digital class system and opening the certification to anyone who would like to pay for it was one of the first decisions made by the billionaire when he bought the social network, the year last.

Without much success, however: the launch of the first version of the subscription led to a tide of fake accounts, sometimes impersonating Mr. Musk himself, forcing him to back down but losing many of his advertisers, burned, and at the same time an essential part of the platform’s revenue.

For the time being, it is difficult to know whether the new system will be widely adopted or not. The White House, which will keep a special symbol as a government entity, has already announced that it will not pay for the accounts of its employees, according to the specialized site Axios.

Likewise, the majority of media and businesses are waiting to see how things go before deciding whether or not to pay $1,000 per month, and an additional $50 per account, in the United States.

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