without “any animosity”, the candidate Raphaël Glucksmann does not want to make an alliance with La France insoumise due to “fundamental differences”

The Place publique European deputy, Raphaël Glucksmann, was the guest of the Grand interview on France Inter. He wants an alliance with the Socialist Party with a view to the European elections in June 2024.

“Do we agree on the substance?”, questions Friday September 15 on France Inter the Place publique MEP, Raphaël Glucksmann. Candidate for the European elections in June 2024, he does not wish to ally with La France insoumise (LFI). “I have no personal animosity, including against Jean-Luc Mélenchon. I have no past, I do not have this history which means that we are undermined by reheated hatred”, he wants to clarify. Nevertheless, Raphaël Glucksmann points out “fundamental differences on defense Europe, on the absolute support that we must give to the Ukrainian resistance, on the policy that we must pursue with regard to China…”

>> European elections: LFI will plead for union on the left until the lists are submitted

Raphaël Glucksmann’s candidacy was criticized by Manon Aubry, LFI-Nupes MEP. “Entered politics to defend the union of the left, today among those who want to break it”, she denounces on the social network X. An argument brushed aside by the person concerned. He recalls that the European elections follow the rule of proportional voting. Therefore, “we will send more left-wing deputies to the European Parliament, if we are able to accept our fundamental opposition on the European question”he pleads.

Raphaël Glucksmann calls for dissociating the Europeans from the presidential election

“We are going to stop making this election a Franco-French election”annoys Raphaël Glucksmann.“We will have to work, fundamentally, on a clarification that allows a union for 2027”. But for the June 2024 election, the MEP “does not want the slightest ambiguity, neither on Ukraine, nor on defense”. He asks the Rebels to“accept the differences” for debates “without insults or invectives”.

On the other hand, Raphaël Glucksmann is not opposed to a union with Les Écologues because “there are not the same fundamental differences”. The party chose Marie Toussaint as head of the list. “We are not going to spend our time debating in dark rooms and waiting for everyone’s decisions”, he explains. Thus, the center-left movement Place publique launches its campaign but “the doors are not closed” if the Environmentalists “change their mind”.

The Place publique deputy also wishes to form an alliance with the Socialist Party, as in 2019. “With the socialists, we have a common heritage. We have been fighting common battles in the European Parliament for four years. We have a common vision. We have, I think, a common desire. I think we will campaign together “, says Raphaël Glucksmann. However, he qualifies by reminding that this choice is not entirely up to him.

“I am not a member of the PS, I leave their agenda, their tempo, their will, their way of presenting things to them.”

Raphaël Glucksmann

France Inter

The Socialist Party adopted, Tuesday evening, September 5, unanimously by its national office, its strategic orientation text for the European elections, which provides for the principle of an autonomous list. This text will be submitted to a vote by activists on October 5, the party announced. Asked if he will be at the top of the European lists, Raphaël Glucksmann answers: “We’ll see that.”.

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