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10:03 : In her general policy speech, Elisabeth Borne should hammer home her watchword: “building together”. She is going to explain that she is ready to work with the opposition, ready to “compromising but without compromise, remaining true to its values”, according to those around him. She will send “signals to the various opposition groups”. (MAGALI COHEN / HANS LUCAS)
09:59 : Hello @irmathere are Georges Pompidou, Maurice Couve de Murville, Pierre Messmer, Raymond Barre and finally the three socialists Michel Rocard, Edith Cresson and Pierre Bérégovoy.
09:59 : Who are the seven prime ministers who, like Ms. Borne, did not ask for the confidence of Parliament?
09:13 : It’s past 9 o’clock, here’s a new point on the news:
Elisabeth Borne lives her baptism of fire in front of the Parliament, where she will deliver her declaration of general policy at 3 p.m., but without asking for a confidence that the oppositions already refuse her. The Nupe Left Alliance has announced that it will table a motion of no confidence.
The 24-hour strike by SNCF employees will disrupt the departure on summer vacation for many travelers. Three out of four or five TGVs run depending on the line, and two out of five TER trains. The unions are demanding wage increases in the face of inflation.
#UNITED STATES The young man accused of being the author of the shooting in Highland Park, near Chicago, has been charged with seven murders and could spend the rest of his life in prison, authorities have announced.
A report by the International Observatory of Prisons denounces lack of access to specialist care in prison. Difficulties include “waiting times (…), cancellations of extraction, or even a renunciation of care to avoid unworthy extraction conditions”.
08:45 : The deputies have already tabled 58 motions of censure against a government since the beginning of the Fifth Republic. But only one was adopted: the government of Georges Pompidou was forced to resign in 1962. A majority of deputies were opposed to the referendum on the election of the president by universal suffrage that Charles de Gaulle wanted to establish. “The deputies had no way of reaching the president directly, so they attacked his government”explains law professor Michel Verpeaux in this article.
08:45 : Has a motion of censure already succeeded under the Fifth Republic? Was the context similar to that of today?
08:16 : Hello @Mimi : confidence but also the motion of censure each require the majority of the deputies. However, Elisabeth Borne does not have this majority: if she asked for confidence she will be disavowed. But the oppositions do not agree among themselves to vote for the motion of censure, nor do they constitute a majority. In short, on this question, the Assembly is divided and no one wins.
08:15 : But why not ask for confidence if a motion of censure has no chance of succeeding, it’s a bit the same principle, no (with the exception of the initiative of the process)?
08:08 : A motion of censure would only be of interest if it had a chance of being adopted. This will not be the case. Its only consequence will therefore be to demonstrate that the government is not such a minority as that. And the Prime Minister will emerge strengthened. Curious as a strategy.
08:08 : “A motion of censure would only be of interest if it had a chance of being adopted. This will not be the case. Its only consequence will therefore be to demonstrate that the government is not such a minority as that”also comments on Twitter Jean-Jacques Urvoas, former socialist president of the National Assembly’s Law Commission.
08:06 : What to think of Elisabeth Borne’s refusal to seek the confidence of deputies? “I am not going to demand of her what the Constitution does not require of her”, responds on Public Senate Bruno Retailleau, president of the LR group in the Senate. And believes that his fellow LR deputies are right not to vote for the motion of censure tabled by LFI because it would be “of an alliance against nature”.
07:59 : Hello, this is indeed what the Nupes wants to show, by appearing as the only “real” opposition force to the presidential majority. But it’s a little more complicated than that in reality: according to the regulations of the Assembly, opposition groups… are those which declare themselves as such when they are formed. And LR and RN have clearly mentioned their intention to be in opposition.
07:58 : So LR and RN will no longer be able to claim opposition, anyway enough to see who was shooting Together during the Legislative elections to see the compromises
07:55 : Asked about the case of Taha Bouhafs, this “rebellious” activist whose nomination for the legislative elections was withdrawn due to suspicions of sexual violence, and who turned against the party yesterday, Adrien Quatennens believes that “We took a decision in an emergency procedure which was not to invest this candidate. Now he wants to defend himself, he has the right to do so. We cannot replace justice.”
07:52 : The motion will probably be admissible, because it only needs to be signed by one tenth of the members of the National Assembly, ie 58 deputies. The Nupes alone has 151 deputies. On the other hand, it has very little chance of being adopted on Friday, because it would have to bring together an absolute majority, which seems unlikely for lack of a rally of opposition (LR and RN will not vote for it).
07:49 : Hello @Citizen, the left-wing Nupes alliance in the National Assembly announced the tabling of a motion of censure (and not of no confidence) against the government of Elisabeth Borne. Objective : “putting everyone before their responsibilities”, explains the deputy “rebellious” Adrien Quatennens on France 2. That is to say, to force the deputies to decide for or against the government. And, ideally, overthrow the government of Elisabeth Borne, which does not have an absolute majority in the Assembly, due to the result of the legislative elections.
07:49 : Hello, Thank you for explaining the motivations for a motion of no confidence by Nupes and its chances of success. Good for you
07:47 : Hello @Cloit’s at 3 p.m. and you can see it on franceinfo TV and on!
07:46 : Hello FI, what time does the Prime Minister’s general policy speech take place and which channel broadcasts it? Thank you
07:45 : “Without a vote of confidence, Emmanuel Macron sits on the vote of the French in the legislative elections”estimates the deputy LFI Adrien Quatennens, on France 2. He deplores that Elisabeth Borne does not submit to a vote of confidence of the deputies after her declaration of general policy. “A first for 30 years.”
06:50 : In this regard, if you are not quite up to date on what a general policy statement is, take a look around here. You will learn that this speech, which sets out the main lines of the program of a new governmentis not compulsory, that opposition parties are also invited to speak and that it is customary – but only customary – that it be followed by a vote of confidence.
06:44 : And unsurprisingly, political news still takes up a lot of headlines in your newspapers. The general policy speech of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, scheduled for 3 p.m. before the deputies, will be particularly scrutinized. 

07:18 : We take stock:
Elisabeth Borne lives her baptism of fire in front of the Parliament, where she will pronounce her declaration of general policy, but without asking for a confidence that the oppositions already refuse her. The Nupe Left Alliance has announced that it will table a motion of no confidence.
The 24-hour strike by SNCF employees will disrupt the departure on summer vacation for many travelers. Three out of four or five TGVs run depending on the line, and two out of five TER trains. The unions are demanding wage increases in the face of inflation.
#UNITED STATES The young man accused of being the author of the shooting in Highland Park, near Chicago, has been charged with seven murders and could spend the rest of his life in prison, authorities have announced.
Author of a masterful coup, the Belgian Wout van Aert flew over the fourth stage, yesterday in Calais, and consolidated his yellow jersey of leader on the eve of attacking the cobblestones of Paris-Roubaix.