Without a license, a motorist positive for narcotics flashed at 176 km / h in Lozère

A 22 year old motorist was flashed at 176 km / h, on July 29, on a portion of the A75 limited to 110 km / h. During this check, the gendarmes of the motorized platoon of Antrenas also discovered that the young man, originally from Tarn, had consumed narcotics. A consumption which had already earned him to be condemned in the past.

The driver was also driving without a license when he is under suspension. The car, which was not his, was immobilized. The Tarnais will soon have to explain himself to justice. During this day of July 29, the gendarmes also checked another motorist who was driving at 183 km / h instead of 130. Eight other speeding violations were also noted.

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