Without a French or English teacher for 2 years, the dismay of parents of pupils in Loiret

“We feel disadvantaged when we live far from Orléans”… In Lorris, located in the East of Loiret, a mother denounces the problems of replacing teachers in her daughter’s middle school, deprived of regular French and English classes for two years.


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Reading his daughter’s scheduleKarine Garcia did not come back. For the second consecutive return, sFrench courses born could not be insured, for lack of replacements. For this return to school, the mother of the student hoped that the rectorate would have made arrangements.

Last year, a teacher French language school had made up for the problem in ensuring 2 h of lessons per week, out of the four that must be given to 5th graders. To the detriment of Latin lessons.
Despite the private lessons given at ses costs during the school year, Karine Garcia is worried:

My daughter is going into 4th grade and she doesn’t know how to write an essay, she never learned!

Karine Garcia, parent of a student

In English,
the situation is not better. With A teachtoothed saw in 2023-2024there mother of elesee believes he has noother choice that to maintain support courses for Zoe this year.

Guillaume College of Lorris has accumulated teacher deficits last year, in German, in Latin, but also music. We feel like sub-citizens, like we are disadvantaged when we are far from Orléans.” explains another mother.

The parents of the students shared their anger with the media and elected officials in their constituency. And Karine Garcia is pleased about it. Two days after the France 3 report, The rectorate announced the presence of a French teacher and a German teacher has Lorris For this September 9th.

The rectorate admits that there are “replacement tensions” over French in certain very targeted areas, over English. The question of rurality and timetables further complicates things.Finding someone for just three hours a week in a rural college is immensely complex.“, testifies the rector Jean-Philippe Agresti on the France 3 Centre-Val de Loire website. He assures however that, for replacements of more than 15 days, a replacement could be found in 95% of cases last school year in Centre-Val de Loire.

In Lorris, parents hope that the part-time French teacher will be able to give his lessons for as long as possible.

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