with Voice of Baceprot, the metallers in hijab are in the place

From their small Indonesian village to the Trans Musicales in Rennes, France, the female trio of Voice of Baceprot (VoB) has crossed several spaces and times. The hijab proudly worn on stage, they claim the right to be women, Muslims and metalworkers.

A village of a hundred inhabitants two hours away from the first large city in West Java. Schooling in a traditional Koranic school. Parents who are workers or peasants who do not listen to music, except folk music … This is the universe of Marsya, Siti and Widi, primary school friends, before their meeting with Abah, a guidance counselor, who instilled in them the music virus by inviting them to play in a musical. Guitarist and metal fan, Abah introduced them to his explosive universe, encouraging them to form their group in 2014. Their orientation is now clearly defined: metalworkers in the four corners of the planet …

Saturday December 4 at the Trans Musicales, the 20 and 21 year old trio surprised more than one festival-goer. Dressed in long black raincoats, black boots, rabid, “noisy”, meaning of “Baceprot” in Sundanese, they were delighted to have transported audiences with their personal repertoire and covers of Metallica and Rage Against The Machine (RATM).

“This is our first tour in Europe and for us it’s a dream come true”, says Marsya, singer and guitarist, to AFP. Their watchword: “Do not be afraid of your dreams, dream big”.

After having tried to dissuade them from embarking on music for the benefit of a life that begins with a marriage in the village, their parents are now proud of their offspring. “They support us 100%, especially since now we can help them financially”, has fun Marsya. Far from being a niche in Indonesia, metal is extremely popular there. Even President Joko Widodo loves it. Over the years, the three enthusiasts have perfected their technique, despite the lack of basic musical training.

“At first they were obsessed with playing fast, as fast as possible”, tells their Indonesian producer Stephan Santoso. “Today they are more mature and manage to play a very technical metal”.

Fans of Slipknot, System of a Down and Lamb of God, the VoB are in the process of “ascend”, assures Mr. Santoso. With a large community of fans on social networks, they also received congratulations from Tom Morello, guitarist of RATM, for their covers. “They are at the crossroads of thrash metal, groove metal and funk metal. In this rather closed universe, they have managed to develop a genre of their own, with a rather pop approach”, analysis Thomas Lagarrigue, editorial manager of Trans.

Their texts, often sung in English, are exclusively engaged.
“School revolution” tells of a gagged educational universe, where students have no free will and where learning comes down to “by heart”. In a country where air pollution is exploding, the trio have also taken up environmental issues.

Their latest single, “God allow me please to play music” calls out censors of Islam in the largest Muslim country in the world, asking them why music would be contrary to religion. “We advocate tolerance towards all types of people, religions”, pleads Marsya, who also claims to “awaken the consciences of women” and denounces “the patriarchal system which oppresses them”.

Their success in their country, however, earned them to receive threats on social networks. “It makes us stronger”, responds in an interview on “girl band“, who claims to continue their artistic path in the very masculine world of metal and also hates questions about the veil. “We are not at Fashion Week”, thunders Marsya in concert in front of his audience. “We chose to wear the veil on stage because we feel good with it, it’s a sign of beauty and peace”.

In Indonesia, their voice is starting to carry. “The people who listen to us feel their wings grow, they tell themselves that they can also push back the walls, even if they come from a small village.“Siti assures us.

Below, the Culturebox player to see the concerts of Trans musicales 2021 live or in replay.

The 43rd Trans Musicales de Rennes, which ends this Sunday, December 5, gathered 56,000 participants, a participation equal to that of 2019 and greater than what was expected, announced the organizers of this talent-pioneering festival.

The organizers have identified “56,000 participants, including 32,000 spectators at the Expo Park and 2,200 professionals”. Eighty-four groups of 34 different nationalities and 500 musicians participated in the event, despite the cancellations related to the health context and traffic restrictions in some countries.

Eleven beginner groups have also benefited from artistic support from professionals, the objective being to help them improve their practice on stage. “It’s great to have managed to do it, that practically all the artists were there. It was absolutely great teamwork.”, reacted Sunday Jean-Louis Brossard, founder of the festival.

For the first time since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the festival found its audience after a virtual edition in 2020, with mandatory health passes and mask, an edition scrutinized by the authorities due to the resurgence of the epidemic. The instructions for the mask, posted in the halls of the Expo Park, however, were not always followed by everyone, especially at the end of the evening.

The organizers have made an appointment with their audience for the 44th edition, which will be held from December 7 to 11, 2022.

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