with trial open, families want answers



France 3

Article written by

J. Vitaline, L. Zie, S. Thiebaut, J. Poirier, F. Fontaine – France 3

France Televisions

13 years after the disaster that killed 228 people, the correctional trial of the Rio-Paris crash opens Monday, October 10. Airbus and Air France will be tried for manslaughter. A moment eagerly awaited by the families of the victims.

In June 2009, Air France flight 447 crashed into the Pacific Ocean, killing 228 people. 13 years after the tragedy, the relatives of the victims are still waiting for answers. They hope to find them during the trial which opens on Monday 10 October. “It’s the moment of truth for us. It’s the moment when we will finally be able to elucidate what happened. In any case, we hope so”confides Ophélie Toulliou, sister of a passenger.

What is Air France’s share of responsibility? Who to blame for the failures of probes present on the plane? After 10 years of investigation, justice will have to decide. For families, the company, like the manufacturer Airbus, could have anticipated such a disaster. However, Air France and Airbus very nearly never found themselves on the bench of the defendants. The magistrates have long considered that the accident was mainly due to piloting faults. Justice finally accused the two companies of not having sufficiently trained the pilots on the icing of the probes.

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