with the soldiers on the Russian defense lines


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

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Many gray areas surround the counter-offensive led by the Ukrainian army on the eastern and southern fronts. If the information is contradictory depending on whether it comes from kyiv or Moscow, everyone agrees on the fact that the Russian army has reinforced its line of defense during the winter.

A huge fortification network in southern Ukraine, controlled by the Russians. Each time, the same pattern: three rows of triangular concrete blocks, and further on, a wide trench. These lines of defense are repeated four or five times, a few kilometers from the buses. The Russians have a 1,200 km long front to defend. The area in the south is crucial, because a Ukrainian breakthrough would divide the Russian device.

Defend the South without stripping the Donbass too much

To avoid it, the Russians claim to have used suicide drones. A technique used more and more. Defending the South without stripping the Donbass further north is the Russians’ dilemma. On the front, the soldiers continue to pound the Ukrainian positions, giving them no respite. France Télévisions met soldiers. Some of them were mobilized in the fall. “I can say that we are learning on the job, by learning”, said one of them. If they know that the Ukrainians have received more modern weapons, they pretend not to be impressed.

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