Video length: 4 min
Afghanistan: with the return of the Taliban to power, that of sharia
The Taliban took power in Afghanistan in 2021. They strictly impose Sharia laws. The defendants are heard by religious judges from Koranic schools, and the legal texts are found in the Koran. Taliban justice that terrifies Afghan women. – (France 2)
The Taliban took power in Afghanistan in 2021. They strictly impose Sharia laws. The defendants are heard by religious judges from Koranic schools, and the legal texts are found in the Koran. Taliban justice that terrifies Afghan women.
The Taliban’s law is sharia and nothing else. For twenty years, these men fought the Americans and their allies with one goal: to restore Islamic law in Afghanistan. It was established in the 1990s, before the Islamists were ousted from power. Today, the defendants are heard by religious judges from Koranic schools. The legal texts are found in the sacred writings of the Koran.
Three public executions recorded in 2023
Men accused of murders hanged from cranes in centralHerat, in September 2021, after the Taliban returned to power. Last year, an order from the Taliban’s Supreme Leader called for more corporal punishment. Since this decree, the Afghan organization witness recorded three public executions and 70 corporal punishments, mainly for moral violations. So far, no stonings or amputations have been documented, but this Taliban justice terrifies Afghan women.Widely criticized by the international community, Taliban justice has imposed itself in Afghanistan. If Islamic justice is accepted, the Taliban regime is far from unanimous.