With the Parliament series, “we want to open the doors of Europe through laughter”

You don’t understand much about the European institutions? The “Parliament” series is made for you! The actor Xavier Lacaille came to the Quarter Hour to talk to us about season 2 of this series which humorously tells the backstage of the European Parliament. We also come back to the 1945 victory celebrations in Moscow, an opportunity for Vladimir Putin to deliver some messages about the war in Ukraine.

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Red Square, military parade and speech. As every year, the celebrations of the armistice of the Second World War take place on May 9 in Russia. And this time, it’s an opportunity for Vladimir Putin to justify the Russian offensive in Ukraine, two and a half months after the start of the war. In a much-anticipated speech, the Russian leader said his army was fighting on Ukrainian soil to defend “the homeland“facing one”unacceptable threat“.

On the Ukrainian side too, the memories of 1945 resonate with 2022:“We won then, we will win now” assures President Zelensky in a video posted on the Internet.

Another speech, that of Emmanuel Macron in Strasbourg, for Europe Day. In Le Quart d’Heure, we explain to you why the French president is pleading for a reform of the European Union and why he is proposing the creation of a “european political community“, to welcome countries like Ukraine.

And then, still on the same theme of Europe, season 2 of the Parliament series is released today on the france.tv platform. We go back behind the scenes of the European Parliament by following the character Samy, a young parliamentary assistant, always discovering the complex functioning of the European institutions. The actor Xavier Lacaille, who interprets it, went to the studio of the Quarter Hour to tell us about his experience in this comic and educational series.

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