Nobody escapes the heat wave and even less our friends the dogs! Tongue hanging out and breathing a little heavy, some signs are not wrong. One of the solutions to bring them a little freshness is to offer them a little summer haircut at a groomer. And the diary of certain professionals like Marine Collignon, an itinerant groomer between Guérande and Herbignac, proves it, many of you have had the same idea.
“In summer, we always have a few more people and with the heat wave in addition to these last days, – went from 5 to 7-8 appointments a day“assures the manager of Urban hair for two years.
– Virginia Vandeville
Watch out for sunburn!
Among his appointments of the day, there is Oupette, a 4-year-old Newfoundlander. And with this dog with long hair and 60 kilos, there is work!
– Virginia Vandeville
“You already have to remove the big knots that hurt him and they turn into dreadlocks” ensures the professional. Once the knots are removed, place in the bath. “It’s a moment that they generally like, because even if I don’t put the water very cold, it already refreshes them a little.”
– Virginia Vandeville
And to refresh them a little more, place the mower, then the scissors. “We remove dead hair. Some ask us to cut everything very short, but that can be dangerous for dogs. If we see their skin, they risk getting sunburn and even sunstroke. Their skin is too fragile for the sun.” further specifies Marine Collignon.
A two-hour interview
It will take the groomer about two hours to get rid of this female dog’s hair. A long session, a little too long for his other client, Sushi, an 8-month-old shih tzu. After an hour of maintenance, the animal begins to squeal. But the result is there. Here he is relieved of his excess hair. “We took away half of what he had”, adds the groomer. “Here he is ready to spend the summer!”
– Virginia Vandeville
Sushi quickly joins his mistress and her basket in which he closes his eyes. “Between the heat and the grooming, it all exhausts them”. Marine, she still continues with these appointments. “The phone has been ringing a lot lately but I have to refuse. I don’t want to accumulate, I want to take the time with each of my clients”concludes the young woman of 25 years.
In order to overcome this heat, in addition to grooming, “we must avoid daytime walks, offer them ice cream with for example croquettes inside but also to wet their pad“says the professional.