With the Challenge of Generations, Quebecers come to the rescue of their health system

This text is part of the special section Philanthropy

The Challenge of Generations is the story of a fundraiser that was first local, then regional, and which, in 2022, is taking on an unprecedented scale by extending to all of Quebec.

In 2020, the Charles-LeMoyne Hospital Foundation, seeing the pandemic coming, decided to call on the other hospital foundations in Montérégie to propose a common project to them, namely to participate in the Challenge of Generations. This activity, which already existed for seven years in Charles-LeMoyne, allows the population to raise funds through personal or team sports challenges.

To participate, an individual chooses an activity, which he practices at a time that suits him, and asks those around him to collect donations, via an online platform. We can thus walk, run, cycle or otherwise, for the time or the number of kilometers that we like. This formula has the advantage of allowing people of all ages to participate, according to their abilities and according to the schedule that suits them, for a period extending over several months.

This year, the Challenge of Generations will take place from June 14 to September 24.

A Challenge of Generations everywhere in Quebec

In 2020, many organizations had to cancel their group activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the Charles-LeMoyne Hospital Foundation, we decided to rethink the formula to make it virtual and allow everyone to practice their activity at home, in their environment. By uniting the Montérégie hospital foundations, the Challenge then became regional.

In 2022, it is growing with 17 foundations from across Quebec, now covering 9 regions, 8 CISSS and 4 CIUSSS. The ambition of the organizers is that by 2025, the Challenge mobilizes the 86 hospital foundations of Quebec.

“The Challenge makes it possible to have more impact, with a strong and unified message that mobilizes all of Quebec. This is unheard of for us in philanthropy. It’s as if 17 competing companies in the same sector decided to come together. This is an unprecedented shift to meet the growing needs in our hospitals,” says Nathalie Boudreau, Executive Director of the Fondation Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne and instigator of the movement.

In the context of the Challenge, a participant can choose which hospital foundation he wishes to associate with. The donations he collects will therefore benefit the hospital of his choice.

“The pandemic has exposed the fragility of our healthcare system and foundations are part of the solution to bring our hospitals to the level we all want. We want to mobilize the entire population of Quebec with a common message, which is that our hospitals are important and that they need us,” adds Nathalie Boudreau.

“It’s a new way of practicing philanthropy in Quebec,” notes Richard Deschamps, President and CEO of the CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre. We go from an individual mode to a collective mode. We must not hide it, there is normally a form of competition between the foundations. With this project, we are doing things differently, by joining forces to avoid this effect of competition. We unite for a purpose that is bigger than all of us. »

A challenge for all

Josée Lavigueur, physical educator and spokesperson for the Generation Challenge for several years, has seen the project grow.

“It’s a wonderful idea to work as a group and a new movement that will have a huge impact in giving a boost to hospitals in Quebec,” she said. For me, who has given myself the mission of transmitting to people the taste for movement, but in pleasure and without pressure, it is exactly in line with what I advocate. It’s important to include everyone in the activities, and to make them feel welcome. »

Having given birth to her children and even seen her father die at the Charles-LeMoyne hospital, she was able to see the work done there several times. Like many Quebecers, she is attached to her local hospital.

“I was able to see their dedication myself,” she says. Their skills and human qualities impressed me. »

Registration for the Challenge of Generations will begin soon on the website.

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