with the arrival of the vaccine pass in the Senate, the right of Valérie Pécresse assures that she wants to play unity

The law that establishes the vaccine pass arrives this Tuesday, January 11, afternoon in the Senate. How to amend the text without hampering the campaign of Valérie Pécresse? This is the whole challenge facing the right. “It is necessary to amend without losing ground”, summarizes the adviser of an eminent senator.

In short: avoid the spectacle given by the Assembly last week. Valérie Pécresse had called on her troops to show responsibility, but the deputies did what they wanted, prolonging the debates and scattering during the vote, with for, against and abstentions. Hence a candidate accused of lacking authority in her own camp.

This will not happen in the Senate, according to those close to Valérie Pécresse, who predict “homogeneity in the votes”. “The goal is to quickly get out of this debate”, says an advisor, even if the Luxembourg Palace will allow itself a few “adjustments”, in particular to limit the existence of this vaccination pass in time, and to lift the sanctions on business leaders “recalcitrant” on telecommuting.

But there will be no battle of amendments, no points of order, nothing that will make the debates drag on. Because we have to go quickly, it is a strategic imperative. “The health crisis acts like a paralyzer, analyzes a communicator who notes that for the moment, “the countryside patina. The candidates are bogged down, everyone is standing still “.

Because the polls do not change, or little. Who benefits from it? Emmanuel Macron. “It is in his interest to freeze things”, explains an executive of the Republicans. But not Valérie Pécresse. For her, it is urgent to adopt the vaccine pass very quickly to finally move on.

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