“With temperatures above 48 degrees, the heavy trend is unambiguous”, warns Copernicus

Hottest summer in history, exceptional fires, devastating floods: “The heavy trend [de la météo] term on a global scale is unambiguous”, said Friday, April 22 on franceinfo Jean-Noël Thépaut, director of Copernicus, the European service on climate change which publishes its annual report on the European climate. Jean-Noël Thépaut emphasizes in particular “temperature records in Spain and Sicily”with “temperatures beyond 48 degrees, unheard of”. Copernicus hears “regularly document what is happening to alert the competent authorities” on ongoing climate change.

franceinfo: Was the summer of 2021 one of all extremes?

Jean-Noel Thepaut: The data that we have just analyzed and consolidated indicate that at European level, the year was a little warmer than the average but not exceptional. On the other hand, the summer was the hottest on record, about 1°C above the 1991-2020 average, the period which is the reference recommended by the World Meteorological Organization. In addition, there were a lot of events associated with extreme temperatures, in particular very significant heat waves since we experienced temperature records in Spain and Sicily. This record is still being approved by the World Meteorological Organization and would indicate temperatures above 48 degrees. This is unheard of.

Do you also notice a record of droughts and forest fires?

The fires were very numerous in Greece, Italy and Turkey. Southern Europe was quite affected. According to another result that we also published, the last seven years have been the hottest on record globally, with the year 2021 ranking between fifth and seventh place. Knowing that we have had reliable data for 150 years, it is still very important. The long-term heavy trend on a global scale is therefore unambiguous.

Is Europe warming faster than the planet as a whole?

There is more land than seas in Europe. Continental surfaces tend to warm faster. Europe is therefore indeed part of it. Globally, we are at around 1.1°C or 1.2°C [de plus] compared to the pre-industrial period. At European level, we are more in the region of 2°C or a little more.

Do you also notice that there is less wind in places?

2021 has effectively indicated that the wind has been rather weak in parts of Western and Central Europe, the UK and Germany. Deducing something from a climatic point of view is perhaps a little complicated, because there are still several factors: roughness, urbanization, deforestation, but also annual variability. This is something we are now watching closely because it has an impact on wind potential. But indeed, 2021 has not been a year with strong winds.

We understand that the hour is serious. Do you feel like you’re screaming into the void?

Our job is to provide data and information. IPCC reports alert society and governments. I think you have to keep your eye on the ball, as they say. It is therefore necessary to regularly publish and document what is happening, to alert the competent authorities.

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