Manon Aubry, rebellious candidate for the European elections, was with Metex employees in Amiens on Monday.
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Rebellious France alongside Metex employees in Amiens. For the second time in the space of a month, the rebellious European candidate Manon Aubry went, Monday, May 13, to this factory placed in receivership, awaiting a solid buyer, and which produces lysine, a molecule which allows the manufacture of drugs. A way for the MEP to refocus the La France insoumise campaign on social issues.
Manon Aubry at ease in the parking lot in front of the factory where the European flag flies, around a table, with union representatives… The head of the list talks about her favorite subjects such as the consequences of unfair competition on French employees: “I challenge myself. If I am re-elected, we must bring back the President of the European Commission here. We must bring back Ursula von der Leyen. She must listen to you, she must listen to the employees. We must that it understands the impact of opening the borders, great to the whole market of the whole world to bring products from the four corners of the world!
“They forget the employees”
The MEP is trying to make herself heard, as best she can, on social issues, in this campaign almost invisible by the omnipresence in Gaza of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the Franco-Palestinian jurist Rima Hassan. Manon Aubry minimizes: “Jean-Luc Mélenchon has not escaped your attention that he is talking about other subjects and that he has left room for lots of people in this campaign and that’s good. Don’t think that these subjects are in competition one another.”
At his side, another Insoumis, potential competitor of leader Mélenchon for the next presidential election: the Amiens François Ruffin: “The social question has always been at the heart of my campaign. Obviously, there needs to be a ceasefire in Gaza but what makes people’s daily lives is knowing what they will be able to eat and also how they will be able to live their children.” Precisely, Sylvain and Alexandre, two employees at Metex, regret that the European campaign does not revolve enough around social issues: “We see clearly where they want to go. We see what is mobilizing at the university level. We see the pro-Palestinian, pro-Gazawis message. We hear Mélenchon intervene more than Manon Aubry”, regrets one.
“We can clearly see that they forget the employees and they see their own interests. We don’t talk about working conditions, we don’t talk about work, we don’t talk about the future in this campaign and it’s amazing” , adds the other. However, it is this subject that all the left-wing candidates want to tackle, in this final stretch, less than a month before the election with the Metex factory as a platform for confrontation of ideas. On Tuesday, it is the head of the PS Place Publique list Raphael Glucksmann who will visit Metex employees.