“With life, we don’t play,” Pope Francis repeats on the plane taking him back to Rome

A bill in France could authorize “active assistance in dying”. Pope Francis assures that this subject was not discussed in the interview he had with Emmanuel Macron in Marseille. But he addressed the subject at a press conference.

Less than 20 minutes of press conference for this very short flight: on the return plane between Marseille and Rome, Saturday September 23, as is tradition, the Pope responded to journalists, after a trip of just more than 24 very busy hours. Among the few subjects discussed during this press conference, the end-of-life bill in France.

>> Visit of Pope Francis to Marseille: relive Saturday’s day

François had already expressed his disagreement in general on Saturday morning in Marseille with any active assistance in dying. He said it again forcefully on the plane. No, he did not talk about it with Emmanuel Macron during their tête-à-tête at the end of the morning, he assures. These are not the echoes of the Elysée. But the pope adds, speaking of a previous meeting with the French president, last October: “When he came to the Vatican, I told him my opinion, clearly: with life, you don’t play! You don’t play. Neither at the beginning nor at the end.” Six times he repeated this expression: “We don’t play”.

A bill was theoretically supposed to be presented before the pope came, but it was postponed. This text, which could go so far as to include a “active assistance in dying”, would open a new right only to adults, suffering from an incurable illness and with a life-threatening prognosis. “middle term”. In his speech Saturday morning, the sovereign pontiff slammed “the falsely dignified prospect of a sweet death, in reality saltier than the waters of the sea”.

And then, even without being asked directly on the subject, “Papa Francesco”, to echo the cries from the Vélodrome, wanted again on Saturday evening to talk about the city of Marseille. A few hours after the unique mass in this stadium. Marseille and its culture of meeting, mutual aid and creativity. “A port, which is a message for Europe.”

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