With “Green Dream”, singer Stéphane takes us to an ideal world

Stephane grew up in Switzerland with his 4 siblings, and everyone is immersed in music on a daily basis. As soon as she begins to learn music theory, for her it’s obvious: her songs will write her story, and vice versa. But still it is necessary to take the pen.

In front of his white sheets, Stéphane discovers in real time that the gift of writing has always been part of his DNA. He was just asking to come alive. The artist reveals himself and then writes his first songs as one tells about oneself and others.

His first title “Pain I flee”, Stéphane wrote it with his friend Raphaël Harari and was also inspired by his story. Listening attentively, the artist slips into his skin and becomes the narrator of his pain. guitar riffs reflecting all the emotion of the subject, Stéphane puts his words as she speaks, with a serious timbre, before his voice soars, taking on its full potential. Such a ray of hope.

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On the other titles of his forthcoming EP, Stéphane pays homage to his icons of the “club of 27” including his idol Amy Winehouse with “The Unknown Island”, draws from his distant Italian roots on the heady and sunny “48h” , and summons the demons of freedom and love on the unstoppable “Before the end of the world”, the text of which was born from his obvious complicity with Corson.

On his real first single, Stéphane even takes us to an ideal world on the mischievous and committed “Green Dream”, whose chorus turns out to be extremely effective.

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With his first dazzling songs, Stéphane clearly imposes his multiple talents, without apologizing for being there. There for a long time.

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