with good January resolutions, detox is in the spotlight



Article written by

S.Broomberg, M.Selli C.Brunet, B.De Saint Jore – France 3

France Televisions

Like every new year, there are resolutions. Right now, the key word for back to school is detox. This is also the resolution of a majority of the French.

In this year 2022, Caroline Donagemma made a resolution: refine your silhouette. The program is intensive, but it is supervised. “I often have a lack of will to do things so here in this room, we are well surrounded, the coaches are great”, she says. Every year, in January, one in three French people decides to take up sport.

The decision is sometimes difficult to take. But the coaches are honest from the start. “We are not going to sell them dreams, we are going to tell them ‘you will start to see results after a month if you are diligent in your training'”, explains Gustav Riu, sports coach. Weight loss is also played out on the plate. Caroline has thus registered for a few months on an application which helps her to eat better. Other solution : invite sport at home with a home coach, as is the case for Priscillia Deltombe, young mom.

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